China might use AI information to affect Lok Sabha elections : Microsoft

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Microsoft said in a report that China tried to use AI to spread lies during Taiwan’s election in January.

China plans to use AI-generated content to interfere in upcoming elections in India, the US, and South Korea, according to a report from Microsoft released on Friday.

Microsoft said that China will make and spread content made by AI on social media for elections. This content will favor China’s views. Though it’s unlikely that this content will change election outcomes, Microsoft thinks China will keep trying different ways to use AI to make memes, videos, and audio for elections, which might work better in the future. This information is from a report by Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center.

China tried to trick people with fake information made by computers during Taiwan’s election in January, according to a report by Microsoft. It’s the first time a government-backed group has used computer-made content to try to change the outcome of an election in another country.

China might not just focus on Taiwan this year, according to Microsoft. They’ve noticed that China and North Korea have been trying new ways to influence and hack since June 2023, not just sticking to old targets but also using more advanced methods to reach their goals.

Microsoft said that Chinese hackers focused on three main areas recently. First, some hackers targeted places in the South Pacific Islands. Second, another group targeted countries near the South China Sea. Third, some hackers attacked the US defense industry.

China keeps using AI to make content that influences people. They use it to spread messages that help them, and sometimes they even make their own videos and memes. Microsoft said this.

They also use computers to attack places connected to China’s money and military around the South China Sea. They’ve also hacked into governments and phone companies in Southeast Asia. Microsoft said this too.

A hacker group from China named Flax Typhoon went after things related to joint military activities between the US and the Philippines. After that, they also attacked organizations in the Philippines, Hong Kong, India, and the US during the end of 2023. Microsoft reported this.

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